"Close your eyes and just let the music take you into the realm of dreams. Dreams full of emotions and inner struggles..."
The Gathering was one of the first female fronted metal bands and influenced thousands of others. Mandylion, the band's third album, is a very exceptional piece of music. First, there are no harsh vocals and second, the keyboard plays a very important role on this album. Together with typical heavy riffing guitars the keys give the music pleasantly odd and dreamy atmosphere. But the thing which makes Mandylion and all the other records of this group so prominent is the vocal of Anneke Van Giersbergen. Not every vocalist has such an emotional and unique voice. Concerning lyrics - a weak point of metal bands in general - The Gathering has absolutely no problem in this area. Lyrics are meaningful and quite nice.
Finally, I can say Mandylion is one of my "all the time" favourites regardless the genre. Recommended to all listeners of (not only) rock music and of course to metalheads who are looking for something for chill out.
I will add nothing more because for this emotional trip no more words are needed.
Enjoy the ride!
Overall rating: 85%